
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Did Montana Fishburne Just Enter Loony Bin?

If  Larry Fishburne slutty lil daughter Montana just wanted publicity, then job well done. If she were hoping for a career launching pad…well, there will be padding involved on the walls.

The Porn-loving 19-year-old daughter has voluntarily checked herself into an inpatient facility that specializes in mental illness, anger management and behavioral problems, according to TMZ.  Montana has yet to comment on the report, but dropped a couple possible clues as to her soon-to-be whereabouts just yesterday.

"Hmm…big decision 2 make," she tweeted last night. Fishburne, who also used her Twitter page to deliver a running commentary on the MTV VMAs, seemed to be doing a bit of multitasking, as well.  "I need to be packing while I watch this…f--k!!! But it's slowing me down," she wrote.

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