
Friday, September 3, 2010

Chris Brown Hits No 1 Is All Forgiven ??

Chris Brown is on the fast track to a "comeback", with the big Movie opening of TAKERS and now a No. 1 hit.  Deuces" is aces for Chris Brown. The struggling R&B singer is back on top of the singles charts for the first time since his 2009 assault arrest and subsequent flaying in the court of public opinion.

The fiercely worded "Deuces," about a guy trying to recover from a breakup with a cold-hearted woman, features rappers Tyga and Kevin McCall and is off his new mixtape, Fan of a Fan.

Brown, who recently received the green light from a Los Angeles judge as to the progress of his probation (he got five years' probation for beating on Rihanna) hasn't had a No. 1 single on any Billboard chart since 2007's "Kiss Kiss." That hit tune topped both the pop and R&B singles charts.

The 21-year-old Brown may have won back a few hardened fans with his emotional Michael Jackson tribute at the 2010 BET Awards, when he broke down during "Man in the Mirror" and couldn't get the words out.

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