
Friday, September 24, 2010

4Th Man Files Sexual Coercion Lawsuit & Bishop Eddie Wrong Speaks Out

A 4th man has filed a Sexual Coercion lawsuit against down low Mega Church leader Bishop  Eddie Long.  We have been trying to reserve judgement in this pending case but it's becoming really hard to do at this time. In this growing (tiger-woodish gay version) story.  The lawsuit was filed today by Spencer L Grande, a 22-year-old member of New Birth Charlotte, a North Carolina satellite of Long's New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Georgia.

 LeGrande claims that in 2005 Long told him he would be his "dad" and took him on a trip to Kenya where Long allegedly gave him a sleeping pill and where the two engaged in sexual activity. Long told LeGrande that "engaging in a sexual relationship was a healthy component of his spiritual life," according to the lawsuit.  Long and Le Grande sexual relationship went on until LeGrande moved back to North Carolina in 2009
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Also WGCL reports that  when they spoke to Long on the phone he was hesitant to say much because of the paranoia of who might be listening. He also would not take any questions.

In his first public statement since the allegations became public, he asked others on the call to pray for his wife, his children, and his church.

“I have never dealt with anything like this before. I have been under attack before, but everything else has been different levels and different challenges,” Long continued.

Never once did Long say he was innocent, but he said the truth would be revealed, and that he is praying for his accusers.

“Know that I am also praying for the families and the young men who are accusing. I always operate in the spirit of love, and we are going to move through this,” he said.
Bishop Eddie Long is scheduled to speak to the New Birth congregation this Sunday, he's said to be  holding two services at 8am and 11am, and Glitz will be in the house to report on all the details.   The word around the ATL is that these rumors are very, very TRUE.

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