
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Couple Alert?? Two Beards Hanging Out Reggie Bush And Amber Rose

We all knew that you can't make a Ho-se into a housewife and that's why Kayne West gave the "famous for nothing" so called model her waking papers.  Oooh but Amber's thirsty so what does she do coo noddle with another Millionaire cheating beau.  Reggie Bush and Amber were whispering in each other ear all night but spies must add Amber looked quite bored.  I guess Reggie can't spit game to a non-white girl?? Sources say on her and Kayne:

“They are still good friends,” says a source close to the rapper, 33. “Kanye is consumed with recording his comeback record in Hawaii and had to shut it all off. When he’s in work mode, he can’t handle a relationship. He told Amber he needs to devote everything right now to his craft.”

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