
Friday, June 11, 2010

Mourning...Nelson Mandela Great Grand Daughter Killed By Drunk Driver At World Cup Concert

Which should have been such a joyous occasion has now been plagued with tragedy at the start of South Africa World Cup. With the host nation playing in the first match of the tournament – facing off against Mexico – the celebration had been planned for months, and the party has been going on for days. Perhaps that party has been going on a little too long, for some:

"Zenani Mandela, 13, was travelling in a car returning from the World Cup kick-off concert at Orlando Stadium when the accident occurred. There was only one car involved and no one else was injured," The Mandela Foundation said in a statement.
However, police said that Mr Mandela's former wife, Winnie Madikizela-Mandela was also travelling in the car and had been taken to hospital after the accident near the Johannesburg city centre. The driver of the car has since been arrested.

Zenani, per the report, just turned 13 two days ago, so it's safe to assume the World Cup concert was part of one heckuva a birthday weekend.

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