
Monday, June 21, 2010

Michael Jackson Kid Paris Turns A Room Into A Shrine For Daddy Michael

Days before the one year anniversary of her father's death, Paris Jackson's bedroom is a shrine to her father. That's just one of the revelations made by Michael's mother Katherine Jackson in a rare interview sources have learned.

Katherine spoke with London's Daily Mirror and described in detail what 12-year-old Paris has done with her room.

"I wanted to hang pictures of flowers or ballerinas in Paris' room, the sort of things I expected a girl would like," Katherine said.

"But she went into a closet and she brought out seven or eight pictures of Michael, and she told me, 'No, I want my Daddy hanging in my room'. So she goes to bed looking at him and wakes up looking at him. She said, 'I always want to be able to see him'." 
 All three kids live with Katherine the grandmother in what is called the Jackson compound.  Also Prince, 13, Paris, 12, and Blanket, 8, have told Katherine Jackson that they'd like to do something to honor their father.

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