
Monday, June 14, 2010


Proud parents of superstars Jaden Smith’s first leading role as Dre in The Karate Kid has proved to be a success at the Box Office. The film opened this weekend to an impressive $56 million.  I think we smell sequel.

Looks like Jaden is definitely walking in the footsteps of his father, popular actor Will Smith. Also the star power continues Last week, actress Jada Pinkett Smith confirmed that her 9 year-old daughter Willow Smith is working on an album. No word on the type of music but check out what she said to Ambassador magazine:
“I had always been too afraid to venture into music, but I decided when I was about 30 to just go for it. I started a metal band called Wicked Wisdom. I toured and I loved it. But soon after, my kids’ careers started taking off, so I sacrificed it. I am pleased to say my daughter, Willow, will be putting out an album soon and I look forward to enjoying music through her creations. I am excited about that, and she’s pretty awesome. She will be better at it then I ever could be anyway!”

1 comment:

  1. First of all, this film is safe for audience, so you can bring your kit watch Karate Kid.. In imdb why rate as 5.1/10?? this movie is great the fight scenes choreography are fantastic!! every cast made an excellent effort in acting,.. and also the plot is good.. a young boy move to china with her mother and met a great kung fu master (jackie chan) even though the boy is black (jaden smith) he did a great job in portraying the kid..,, it also has the humor that i love..,, jackie chan did a great job too.,, so far this is the best of chan this 2010..


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