
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

CONFIRMED: Mariah Carey Is Pregnant!!

NICK CANNON YOU ARE THE FATHER....It's in the water...Alicia Keys now Mariah Carey . 40-year old power Diva recently dropped out of her next film gig -- a role in Tyler Perry's For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow Is Enuf -- spinning  rumors that she's a pregger.  Now snitches in Mariah's camp has leaked information to Radaronline, that the renewing of the vows was not only to celebrate their second anniversary in May -- but at last with their first child. The couple married in 2008 after 6-weeks of dating.

When contacted, Mariah’s longtime rep Cindi Berger gave RadarOnline a rather cryptic comment.
“They’re both very excited and very happy,” dished our insider.

“I’m not at liberty to discuss Mariah’s personal life at this time,” the publicist told RadarOnline, a statement that did not outwardly deny the pregnancy.

People have speculated the Pop-Diva had begun hormone enhancement therapy; a possible explanation for a noticeable sudden weight gain.Hormone supplements increase one’s chances of pregnancy and are often linked to in-vitro-fertilization.  Mariah and Nick, who have both talked about wanting to start a family, but neither confirmed or denied the pregnancy talk.But both have hinted, previously, they could soon become parents.

We are so Happy for them, they seem to be so in Love!!  Read More Click Now


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