
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Halle Berry Custody Battle Over Daughter Heats Up

There is a serious battle heating up ,Halle is scheduled to spend three months shooting a movie in South Africa and that triggered Gabriel to consider his legal options to fight for permanent custody of their daughter Nahla, a Snitch close to the situation to is telling.

“It’s been pretty difficult for Gabriel to see Nahla the last few weeks,” a source close to the situation tells sources.  “He’s really getting sick of it and it’s getting to the point where he is seriously considering his options regarding pursuing permanent custody. He refuses to give up rights to his daughter, he loves her more than anything and is determined to be a regular, full time fixture in her life.”
Gabriel refused to spend three months away from his daughter with Halle scheduled to film in South Africa during July, August and September. Halle wants to take Nahla with her full time. That would mean Gabriel not seeing his daughter for three whole months and there’s no way he’s going to allow that.

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