
Friday, April 23, 2010

Real Housewives Of Atlanta "Girl Fight" Kim & Ne Ne Vs. Dwight ...!!

Meow...!!...Let the hair weaves fly child..!!..Although they’re normally battling each other on a given season of the Real Housewives of Atlanta, it looks like this fall we can look forward to frienemies NeNe Leakes and Kim Zolciak tag-teaming each other as they battle the Notorious Q.U.E.E.N., Dwight Eubanks Ne Ne ex- Gay husband/B.f.f. as she affectionately calls him.  Snitches have confimed this all went down at the new swanky Loews Hotel in Midtown Atlanta last Friday

This is how the finger popping, neck rolling went down:

“Dwight was at the hotel for what he thought was going to be a casual meeting,” the source tells “But instead the producers had their own plans as they brought in Kim and NeNe to confront Eubanks about several issues, only for Dwight to call them out.
“NeNe and Kim came storming into the hotel and got straight in Dwight’s face, accusing him of spreading lies about them and making up rumors.
“It was absolutely crazy! NeNe and Kim were both screaming at him, and he gave back as good as he got. Dwight started yelling at NeNe that she was nothing but a common prostitute and that she had hooked up with a married man, and he totally trash talked Kim too.

“NeNe lost her temper and attacked Dwight with a chair, breaking off a leg and Kim threw a vase at him! It was like a scene out of some crazy movie!

“Security rushed over and had to split them up, then NeNe and Kim stormed out.”

This is  a HOT MESS... these people are in there forties clowning like this....But we love it keep it up just guarantees another juicy season!!

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