
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Nightline Face-Off Black women -Why Can't A Black Woman Find A Successful Black Man?

Here we go again with the same subject with similar results, Why Can't Black Woman find a Successful Black Man ??  ABC Nightline explores this growing problem with a panel  consisting of Sherri Shepard (left) and VH1 star Jacque Reid represented for the ladies. Hill Harper, Steve Harvey and others made up the Face-Off” debate.

I recall Hill Harper saying that 95% of professional women want the top 5% of men who they see as their counterparts. I have my oh so brilliant Love Squad on deck to answer our own face-off questions.

Bible Thumpers are known to say : Women should not be looking for a man. That is where they fail. Whosoever findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD. Proverbs 18:22. Just make yourself available as a woman and the right man will find you.

I propose a different view this subject is as racist as it can be and has been talked about to death. Where is the seminars about white woman on how they meet men they don’t know and marry them within 24 hours. (IE the bachelor, Khloe Kardashian 3 week nuptial e.t.c) Let's explore that topic shall we??  Anyway peep video below:

Part 2

Part 3

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