
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sandra Bullock Husband Jesse James Checks Into Rehab

Is Rehab is the new "Damage Control".  Another husband has joined "The Real House-Husbands Of  Rehab" (Tiger Woods Is The President).  Now that the world knows Jesse James has apparently gone off-road a few too many times. Sandra Bullock's estranged husband has checked into rehab, his rep confirmed Tuesday.
The personal issues were not stated.
"Jesse checked himself into a treatment facility to deal with personal issues," the rep said in a statement to People. "He realized that this time was crucial to help himself, help his family and help save his marriage."

Err-body know what his peronal (Penis) issues are. This is a Tiger Woods Jr. move, in order to save his reputation from being called a bonafide "HO"..not to mention pics with Nazi hat (racist?).  It makes you wonder did Sandra Bullock even know what she was married too. As details continue to come out Jessie James seems more like a Sex-addict possible racist nut job.  POOR Sandra!! 

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