
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

"Going In"...Lil Wayne Finally Starts Jail Term

Quote from Weezy song has caught up with him..."Rock Style Lifestyle Might Not Make it"!! 

Rap royalty Lil Wayne was given a superstar's sendoff to jail this afternoon -- mobbed by hundreds of reporters and cell-phone-waving fans, and serenaded by shouts of "Weezy! We love you!"
"Yo, keep your head up, Weezy!" one fan shouted from a back row in a Manhattan courtroom as the cuffs went on.

With good behavior, the rapper will spend eight months in protective custody on Rikers Island for the .40-caliber Springfield Armory semi-automatic cops took from his pot-smoke-infused tour bus after a concert two years ago at the Beacon Theater.

The Grammy-winning performer -- nicknamed "Weezy" -- has made upward of $50 million a tour, will continue making music in jail, said his lawyer, Stacey Richman

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