
Monday, February 15, 2010

Scandal: Fantasia Might Be Sued For Sleeping With A Married Man

Ummm hmm if this law was everywhere this would shut A lot of Ho's down. Taisa Mae and her "roll over minutes" married cellphone salesman Antwaun Cook affair might come at a hefty price. For Real Fantasia stunned people  when it was exposed that she has been living with the attached father of two sons in her $1.3 suburban Charlotte mansion since last fall along with all the other folks who live with her.

Fantasia, and her bold married lover were all over each other in a Charlotte nightclub Scorpio before heading off to a romantic getaway to Barbados late last year. At one point the craze R & B Singer had 30 year old Cooks name tattooed on her shoulder — which she later had covered with a heart . Because Fantasia was bold enough to floss around with  Paula's husband, A law suit might be the perfect revenge, according to the Feb. 22 issue of GLOBE.

Paula, a 36-year-old teacher, is considering suing Fantasia under an obscure North Carolina law that brands it illegal to have sex with someone who is married to someone else under any circumstances. If Paula can prove that Fanny’s been sleeping with her husband, she could win megabucks in a civil suit. After all, it has happened before. In 2001, a jury awarded one scared lover $1.4 million under the law, known as “criminal conversation.”

aula has refused to comment, but snitches tell GLOBE the devoted mom to Cook’s son — ages 5 and 18 months — is devastated: “This has been a very rough time for Paula. She and Antwaun were happy before Fantasia came into the picture.”

The sorted affair has subjected Fantasia — single mom to her 8-year-old daughter Zion — to a harsh backlash from her once devoted fans: “Her fans are Pissed. Fantasia won people’s hearts in the way she triumphed over abuse and admitted she was functionally illiterate, but now she’s acting like a selfish homewrecking SLUT.”
Fantasia is a sad story and after looking at her reality show, I realize she is SLOW IN THE HEAD and needs some serious theraphy so she can learn to love herself. Once the money goes so will her rollover mintues....


  1. This is the dumbest shit I have ever heard. Paula Cook knew that her marriage was in trouble. If Antwaun had moved on with somebody with a regular 9-5, then suing would not be an issue. She needs to keep it moving.

  2. I'm confused as to which one of them is the whore. He is the one that took the vows and decided to be with another woman while he was married. He's the whore and the down dirty one. You can't make a married man leave home! The only one that's slow in the head is the person that wrote this blog.

  3. I'm her fan because she can sing not because of who she decides to sleep with.

  4. I'm disappointed with Fantasia not only because of her lowering her standards for a attached man. But her upbringing of her being church raised and god fearing family. She definately knows the difference between good and bad & Needs 2 assest them good genes..Still a fan and God don't like ugly so don't give him a reason 2 eliminate it..xoxo Texas..

  5. first and formost it is none of anybodies business. A man will lie his ass off to get in a womans panties. but on the other hand if a man is not happy at home he will be happy some where else. to mrs cook, honey you need to ask your self what went wrong because the obvious is something did. now as far as fanny being sued is some bull. like a previous post if it was a reg woman we wouldnt hear nothing but because fanny got money mrs cook wants a piece. i say she dont get nothing file for divorse and move on.

  6. Im saying this, If mrs cook was taking care of her husband he would not have had wondering eyes. And BECAUSE mr. cook started looking for love in all the wrong places dont be mad..... Mrs cook pushed him to the point to step out side of Their vows.... try keeping blame where blame belongs. Blame your husband for steooing out and then check yourself and see what you could have done different....... Leave Tashia alone if he did tell her he was married he was a dog before you married him, its just in your face now and you are pissed.....

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