
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Hole In One ....Tiger Wood Sighting..!!

Another Big Foot Sighting??.... Nope just are favorite famous recovering Sex Addict. All decked out in his sponsor Nike gear - We think he was giving a secret shout out. Tiger Woods who looked fit and focused as he went out on a run in Florida with a male friend.

 Radaronline claims this is the first time the Sex addict golf legend has surfaced since Decemeber when Stalkrazzi caught him chillin around the grounds of his rehab facility in Missisippi. Wifey is keeping the millions despite what the media say. Good for her way to fight for your family Lil Cougar.

I'm sure all of his "Gold digging " Jump Offs are licking there chops hoping for another dig.!!
In Other Tiger news ... Woods will apologize for his infidelity and speak about his plans for the future in a press conference this Friday. The announcement came in a statement from the golf star’s agent Mark Steinberg and his spokesman Glenn Greenspan Wednesday afternoon.

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