
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Beyonce Dad To Take Parternity Test...You Are The Father??

First there was Tiger Woods,..Then There was the Politician John Edwards and the latest installment in the "Dumb Ass Mens Club" (Jump Off Edition) is Beyonce dad Papa Matthew Knowles. Rule number 1 of sex with another woman never leave DNA use a condom fools!! ...friendly reminder.  The quest to determine whether Beyoncé has a half-brother is picking up steam.

Home wrecker Alexsandra Wright, who claims that Knowles fathered her child during an affair that lasted 18 months, gave birth to a son last week. Wright is planning to request that the former Destiny's Child manager take a DNA test, and then, if it's positive, will petition Knowles for child support.

The Grammy-winning diva's dad, Matthew Knowles, who has been the target of a paternity suit  since October,  has said that he will "certainly" submit to a paternity test when asked. Papa Knowles is waiting patiently in hopes of not hearing Maury's line...  "YOU ARE THE FATHER"??

"I know about as much as you do," he says. "Last week, they said it was a girl; this week they said it was a boy. We do have a court date, but none of that means anything until DNA testing is done.


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    - Что ж ты та,к Петя, сеабя не поберёг?
    Торт приоткрывает один глаз и шипит:
    - Сука, спугёншь ворон, тебя выебу

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