
Thursday, November 19, 2009

OPPs....Beyonce Pulls A Britney...While Wasted!!

Poor Bey stumbled out of a London nightclub and into a limo the other night giving the Stalkarazzi an impromptu peep show. Thank God for a good brazilian wax job. Jay is probably somewhere Shaking his head and warning Beyonce to wear pants the next time she decides to get wasted!!  
There is a lesson ......Learn the proper way to exit a car when you have on a mini and the shutterbugs are standing in front of you.
 "Come On Son"~~


  1. This is messed up!! wow!!

  2. You can't compare Beyonce and Britney in no way shape or fashion. Britney new the cameras were there and flashed her cat for all to see. Beyonce was caught unaware and the cockroach photograhper took the picture the he wanted to take it. You don't know a drunk when you see one. Beyonce is not wasted in this pic. I wondered when the media was going to start placing Beyonce in bad light. You can't make her look bad no matter how hard you try.


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