
Friday, October 9, 2009

Kim Kardashian Plans Her Wedding to Reggie Bush

"Sister To Sister" another Kardashian is planning a Wedding fiction or non fiction remains to be seen. Hollywood socialite-turned-reality TV star Kim Kardashian is pressuring her boyfriend to propose - by getting a start on her wedding plans. Kim K, party girl has been dating on again off again footballer Reggie Bush for a year and she has left him with no doubt she's ready to become his wife after she was spotted picking up bridal magazines during a recent trip to Las Vegas. Kim Kardashian, who isn't even engaged to Bush, tells America's In Touch magazine,
"I was in Vegas for a bachelorette party and saw how hectic it is to plan a wedding, so I've decided to start planning mine before being asked!"
Dang girl most of us wait until someone proposes to us first...!!! These chicks won't stop will they?? I'm sure she wants hers bigger and better!!

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