
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Good Hair Beats Nappy Roots

"Good Hair " can grow now. A woman's bid to prevent the wide release of the comedian's latest feature, claiming Rock swiped the premise for his documentary about black women's quest for the perfect 'do from her 2006 film, My Nappy Roots, has been shot down.

U.S. District Court Judge Dale S. Fischer said in her ruling that she watched both films and didn't see significant similarities.

Good Hair opened in limited release Oct. 9 after Regina Kimbell's first request for a preliminary injunction was denied. The film, which has taken in $1.7 million so far, according to, opens nationwide on Friday. Chris Rock has admitted watching Nappy Roots when approached by Regina Kimbell's for a joint venture years ago but stated his movie is based on his own ideas. (um mm hm)

Pump the breaks I watched both trailers and you would have to be blind not to see that Chris Rock didn't steal this woman muse. Peep both trailer below and you be the judge??

Good Hair

Nappy Roots

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