
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

LiL Wayne other, other, other, other Baby Mama Nivea Steps Out!!

Last night R&B singer Nivea held a A&R showcase and Launch event for her management/Artist development company Avalon Music Group. The latest Pics of Lil Wayne latest baby mama Dream's ex-wife Nivea showing off her proud baby bump, and Lil Wayne promise ring. But when I look at these pics all I can do is "SMH" so proud to be a single parent when you already have 2 other kids. I get it, it's a baby didn't ask to be her e.t.c. not to mention he's rich so that makes it OK?
What's more interesting Weezy hitting em up dumping his seed and walking away from the whole relationship. I'm sorry but my coochie is not an ATM period!!!! (But it can be financed I kid,) because at the end of the day you are left to raise this child 18 years, 18 years!!.
spotted on Freddy
Lil Wayne walks around with a Styrofoam cup filled with liquor all day, yeah such a role model. Word on the street
My hairdresser (Yep I got that kind of salon Gossip child), and one of Nivea "Suppose it" home girls was there giving all the dish on her. How she tried to get pregnant and how she is so Jealous of Laura London because that's truly who he wants out of all his baby making machines
This is a mess Sperm flying everywhere I really hope all these woman get tested because it's too much exchange of fluids going on!!
I wish all of them luck with a Baby Daddy like Lil Wayne remember he's out to "F***ck Every Girl In The World** And at the rate he's going do just that?? Who did he get pregnant first?

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