
Monday, September 14, 2009

How Kanye West Messed Up The Whole VMA Awards...BIG EGO!!

The outspoken (ASS), rapper Kanye West interrupted Taylor Swift's acceptance speech for Best Female Video at MTV's "2009 Video Music Awards," declaring Beyonce's music video should have won the moon-man. "Beyonce had the best video," he said, taking the microphone from Swift. Swift, looking taken aback, left the stage following West's outburst. At the end of the show Beyonce called Taylor Swift back out to give her acceptance speech showing true class and grace Kayne...Out Of Hand...Out Of Control....Out Of Arrogance!!


  1. His Mom used to filter him. Probably in saying, "Don't go out there an embarrass me!" Now that she's gone dude is just going plain wild!

  2. Through Kayne's short career he as exhibited childish and girlish behavior! He whines and crys whenever he does not get his way. It has gotten worse sense the passing of his mother. To me he acts like a little beeeyotch! His mother or father didn't use the belt enough when he was younger and that's why he thinks it is ok to behave in the manner that he does.

    Boy I can't stand no cry-baby dude! Man up and grow a pair! Dayyum!

    I wish the world and the industry would shut him down for at least a year to show him that he isn't running anything! Oh and by the way his last album sucked so much tail that it should have be called Charmin!

    Just my two cents.

  3. That was a wild thing to do! Bad!


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