
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ugly Scandal...Vanessa Williams Nude Negatives on eBay!!

Pretty Ugly Scandal ....If you ever wanted to see Ugly Betty star Vanessa Williams naked, now’s your chance. reports that the original photo negatives of Vanessa Williams’ nude pictures that cost her the Miss America crown in 1984 are up for auction on

Is there a such thing as "Moving on" from scandal??

Well there's a greedy person out there trying to make profit from shame, the auction ends on September 1, 2009 with a starting bid at $200,000. It’ll be interesting to see how much the negatives sell for!

Williams claimed the photos were personal and was under the assumption they had been destroyed, also saying she'd never given consent for their sale. The auction items include all 156 negatives of the photos, and an alleged signed release form.


  1. This is messed up!!

  2. Shit!! Is the auction over already!?!?! I can't find it!

  3. Ha ha!!!! Pervert!!


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