
Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Keisha Nichols sat down with Good Morning America today to give her Side of the story of the email break-up 4 days before her Wedding to NBA player Richard Jefferson. Keisha wants everyone too know that the 5 years relationship was torn too pieces way before the email.
The night before Richard and Keisha argued about a numerous of things and talked for hours. The email came the next day confirming what they already discuss the night before, that this relationship was not going to work
Although they both decided this is not the relationship they needed to be in he was the one who verbalize it. Unfortunately out of the $500,000 that was spent towards the wedding only 75% of the money was non-refundable (Ouch). Keisha who is heart broken invited 50 of her friends and family to
Manhattan anyway and partied at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel which was the venue for there reception and was already paid for and turned it into a life celebration party.
Although she did admit that when friends came to the party most of them cried and shared laughter through tears. They were Heart Broken also
Richard Jefferson did give her a 6-figure settlement because she moved in with him, gave up her career for the last 5 years and he understood she needed to get back on her feet.
She said for the last 5 years she had been with Richard loving, nurturing and breathing every moment of this relationship Keisha stated "When you are Heart Broken Just Dance"
She kept the wedding ring it's with her Grandparents in NC. The wedding dress which was custom made she said was not finished so she didn't see it and probably never will. She has not talk to Richard in 2 weeks and 2 days (yep she's counting), this was a part of the agreement that they made to give her time to heal not to contact her. And I thought this was profound what she stated
"He didn't do this too me...He did this for me" Keisha said she is ready to move on and ready for the universe to give her what it will
Based on this interview she knew this man was not ready so I'm not mad at him!!!


  1. Wow God Bless her!!

  2. It wasnt her season yet.

  3. That gurl is super fine! Goes to show that looks won't always get cha what you want!

  4. yeah she will heal and be better we hope!!

  5. I hope she can really recover

  6. She such a beautiful girl she will be fine spending his money!!

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