
Thursday, July 23, 2009

CNN: Black In America 2 (Full Episode)!!

The first installment got a lot of negative responses, so people have already started speaking out about there being a second series. The first series was watched by 2.3 million people which was one of the highest rated series on CNN so of course they would capitalize on a second installment. Part 2 continues further investigation of some significant and challenging issues facing African-Americans, from health to education. Soledad O’Brien, returns to host the second installment, which focuses on emerging leaders, innovative community programs and business ventures that are addressing poignant issues and disparities facing African-Americans. Would be nice if they show Black Middle class huh??


  1. it's not the full episode it is only the first night BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

  2. Is there anywhere I can watch the full episode of cnn Black in America and cnn Black in America 2? would be much appreciated. I live outside of USA and would love to watch it entirely. Thanks


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