
Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Damn Ray J smashing errr-body, his new chick of the week is a Bi-sexual MTV reailty star Tila Tequila or so she thinks so based on this tape. The notorious He-Ho’s latest conquest is none other that Myspace celeb turned MTV celebutart Tila Tequilla.

On Monday, the former star of A Shot At Love….star posted an ode to her new “man” on her blog in hopes of extending her quickly fading fifteen minutes.

My baby is Ray J…..and no man has made me feel so loved and so happy in such a long time. We really do love each other and I am so happy to have FINALLY met someone who treats me with respect and love. He is so sweet to me and makes me melt every time I see him…….I love my baby……so there you have it! Tila Tequila is officially dating Ray J!!!!!! I think we make the cutest couple….dont you????? And this video that I posted earlier tonight was for him so he would hurry up and come over to see his wifey.

Every woman he dates makes a tape and he dumps them e.t.c., these woman need to get some self esteem and Respect themselves. Better yet pick up a book, therapy anything. These Reality Stars turned Prostitutes in my opinion are sickening. I'm sorry Ray J is not all that!!

I'm sure reality execs are in their think tank just chomping to get their new show put together.

Thank you both, Ray J and Tila, for taking us another notch down on the already crumbling entertainment ladder!

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