
Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Superstar Lakers player Kobe has more then the Playoffs too worry about. See this is why you can't have errr-body in your house, the moment the checks stop they turn on you. Not to mention Kobe is afraid the maid is going to let out there "Dirty Little Secrets". (GAG THE BEE-YOTCH LITERALLY). Reports that Lakers star Kobe Bryant and his wife Vanessa have filed a cross-complaint against their former maid, hoping only that it will keep her from talking to the press about their legal dispute.

Maria Jimenez is suing the Bryants, claiming Vanessa called her "lazy, slow, dumb, a f---ing liar, and f---ing sh-t." in particular was abusive. One of her complaints was that Vanessa demanded that she put her hand in a bag of dog feces to retrieve a tag from her blouse.

According to court documents filed last week, the Bryants fully acknowledge Jimenez's right to sue them -- although they say her claims of abuse are "without merit."

But the NBA couple's primary concern is that Jimenez follows the confidentiality agreement they claim she signed when she was hired in 2007 -- which prevents her from talking to the press and other third parties.

The Bryants feel, according to the filing, that Jimenez's numerous press interviews following her lawsuit is in violation of that agreement. They are all due back in court in July.


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