
Monday, January 26, 2009

Marketing Genius..Super Bowl 2009 Commercials to air in 3D!!

Clever, Super Bowl XLIII (43) is right around the corner where the Steelers (Go Steelers), and the Cardinals will meet. Despite the recessions advertisers are still said to pay $3 million for a 30 second commercial for Super Bowl 2009 to promote the Monsters vs. Alien animated movie. The good old 3-D glasses are handed out again like it is the 1950s. Over 125 million of them are given away for free across the US via 25,000 SoBe Lifewater retail displays in grocery and drug and other retail venues. With commercials from Transformers, Stark Trek and more. you'll need to make sure to tune in at the end of the second quarter (ie: right before halftime) in order to watch the 3D commercial. This little added bonus is a treat for all Geeks everywhere (OK so I got a pair WHATEVER!!) Details on where to get the free 3D Glasses for Super Bowl.

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