
Monday, January 26, 2009

First Lady Michelle Obama Blasts Sasha & Malia Dolls!!

First Lady Michelle Obama has spoken out about two new dolls that share the same names as her daughters, Sasha and Malia, ages 7 and 10.

Ty – the maker of Beanie Babies – recently released 12-inch “Sweet Sasha” and “Marvelous Malia” dolls as part of its TyGirlz collection.

“We believe it is inappropriate to use young, private citizens for marketing purposes,” the First Lady’s press secretary, Katie McCormick Lelyveld, said in a statement Friday.

The Oak Brook, Ill.-based toy manufacturer insists the dolls are not based on America’s First Daughters. This is ridiculous they knew exactly what they were doing, trying to make a dollar at any cost.

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