
Thursday, December 11, 2008

NBA Carmelo Anthony and LaLa Vazquez At Home With Essence..!!

LaLa and Carmelo try to keep up with their 21-month old son, Kiyan Carmelo, as he prepares to make a run for it.

The couple entertains their guests with a nine-seater home theater and a pool table in the basement. Down below is also a wine cellar, where Anthony loves to hang out. There's also one room reserved only for her fiancé's sneakers.

One would expect to see maids running the household, but LaLa says, contrary to popular belief, she's pretty domesticated. "I clean my own house. I don't wait for the maid to come,'' she says. "And I cook for my family Read More (Click Now) ************************************************************************************ HOUSE OF GLITZ: Such an adorable family!!

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