
Monday, December 1, 2008

IT'S OFFICIAL...Sen Hillary Rodham Clinton Named Secretary Of State..!!

Obama has do to what he has to do for the betterment of our country. Word just in…it is official. Hillary is the new Secretary of State.

They said Hillary Clinton comes to the job with name recognition and a familiarity with foreign policy as a result of her service on the Senate Armed Services Committee.

INDIAN WELLS, Calif., Nov. 29 — Former president Bill Clinton has agreed to make public 200,000 donors to his presidential library and foundation as part of an agreement with President-elect Barack Obama’s transition team designed to allow his wife — Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton — to be named secretary of state, according to two sources familiar with the arrangement. The former president has also agreed to allow the State Department and, potentially, the White House to vet his personal business interests and speeches so as to avoid potential conflicts of interest, according to transition officials. The outlines of the deal cut by Obama and the Clintons emerged in the last week as it became increasingly clear that the New York senator would be named secretary of state. The transition team said the president-elect will make the announcement Monday in Chicago. Bill Clinton has long resisted calls to make public the donors to his library and foundation, insisting that he has complied with all federal laws governing the disclosure (or lack thereof) of the contributions and the contributors to the foundation.


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