
Thursday, October 2, 2008

CRAZY RUMOUR : Madea and Taraji Henson Are Engaged?

Now from where I sit sorry Tyler Perry is, Down low, Hiding in the closet and behind Oprah. Here’s the latest: Director/actor Tyler Perry is said to be engaged to actress Taraji P. Henson, who plays his wife in Perry’s latest flick about family discord, The Family That Preys. Perry supposedly fell head over heels (or in this case, heels over heels) for Henson on the set of ‘Prey’. He supposedly popped the question over dinner. (Boy Stop!!) Either Taraji is blinded by the money or she is paying no mind to the rampant rumors concerning Mr. Perry’s extra-curricular activities.
It’s easy to look the other way when your man is showering you with diamonds and other pricey trinkets.
Have we not learned anything from Star Jones & her ex-wife Al Reynolds?? I'm not buying it but it's makes for interesting Gossip! *********************************************************************************** HOUSE OF GLITZ: HONEY CHILD PLEASE!!...this is laughable, but on the other hand with his wrist bent and his wallet he can keep you F i e r c e ...Hey girl!!!


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