
Monday, July 14, 2008


Porchla Coleman tries to clear the air about her break up: Former Star Search model Porschla Coleman came to Simmons’ defence on Friday, hitting back at claims his demanding personality put a strain on their relationship. She [said],
“I am not prepared to go into detail, but Russell is my best friend. “There is no anger on either of our parts. It was a mutual decision. We just decided to be friends, and we’re both very happy.”
Coleman adds Simmons has even helped her redecorate her new apartment, now that she is moving out of the pair’s shared home. She says,
“It’s around the corner, and he helped me pick it (the furniture) out.”
Wow, we’re still a little shocked that she cashed her chips in at this early stage of the game. Well, at least she got some furniture out of the deal.
He should help you decorate since you got kicked out his house..!
Read more (Click Now) ************************************************************************************ HOUSE OF GLITZ: That means "BIG MONEY".. oldie but goodie is free, I'm next. Time to buy a new weave lighten my skin, lose 50lbs so I can now be 99lbs just like he likes it, study yoga & eat wheat grass, as I pack and move to NY. ..OK so now I woke up out of that dream..!!


House Sitters