
Friday, May 16, 2008


So grab your partner & doesy do Yee haw..Celebrities are speaking out on the decision by the California Supreme Court to overturn the state’s ban on same-sex marriage. Here are just what a few of the he movers and shakers of the GAY community had to say: Ellen Degeneres:
“I’m thrilled that the California supreme court overturned the ban on gay marriage. I can’t wait to get married. We all deserve the same rights, and I believe that someday we’ll look back on this and not allowing gays to marry will seem as absurd as not allowing women to vote. P.S. I’m registered at Crate & Barrel.”
T.R. Knight Grey Anatomy actor:
“Our ‘certain inalienable rights’ are protected today. It makes me proud to live in a country that works to correct its sins.”
Melissa Etheridge:
“I feel they have made an honest woman of me. What a wonderful blessing for us and the gay community. We’re moving forward. It makes me feel happy for the whole human race that we are finally getting out of our differences and coming together and we are putting this all behind us.”
Chad Allen:
“I have to say I was completely shocked at the level of emotion of my own reaction. It’s not that I didn’t care, it’s just that I didn’t know that I cared that much… I’m thinking about getting married. I am in love with my partner, deeply madly in love with him, and though I am not ready to propose yet, it is in there.”
To read more celebrity reactions (CLICK NOW) visit
************************************************************************************ HOUSE OF GLITZ; I'M SURE TODAY WILL BE FILLED WITH SKITTLES (FEEL THE RAINBOW), Look forward to reactions from Tyler Perry, Al Reynolds e.t.c. they must be thrilled ..!!


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