
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

JANET TO RECEIVE AWARD FROM GAY/LESBIAN GROUP: Plus, singer admits girl crush on Alicia Keys..!!!

*Janet Jackson is in the throws of preparing a major world tour to promote her new album "Discipline," but she'll take a break on Saturday to receive an honor from one of the biggest gay/lesbian rights groups in the country. Ellen DeGeneres has been tapped by the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLADD) to present its Vanguard Award to the 41-year-old star during its 19th Annual Media Awards at Hollywood's Kodak Theatre. Past recipients include Charlize Theron, Elizabeth Taylor, Jennifer Aniston, Whoopi Goldberg, Antonio Banderas and Liza Minnelli. When asked by E! Online why she feels the organization has chosen her for the award, she replied: "I think it's because of the work I have done related to AIDS, and also just the support that I've given them throughout the years. I'm excited." Jackson, who will launch her "Discipline" tour on September 11th, discussed all things gay with E! in an extensive interview. Below are a few excerpts: E!: You've said it doesn't bother you if someone says you're gay or bisexual. So if you were, who would be your top three girl crushes? I don't know if I have three.
I think I would pick Alicia Keys, for sure. I think she's wonderful.
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************************************************************************************ HOUSE OF GLITZ: Why do I get the feeling Alicia Keys would be flattered?


  1. Janet is all over the place

  2. Janet is just trying to get attention!!


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