
Friday, December 21, 2007


A new Hip Hop trend is between the Muslim and urban communities. The Muslims are taking offense to a style of dress adopted by rappers who wear a jalabia - a Muslim symbol of freedom - around their necks as a scarf. The jalabia is a traditional head dress worn by Muslim freedom fighters. The new style first made popular by Island Records president of Urban Music, Jermaine Dupri, is now being worn by everyone from Jay Z to Omarion and Chris Brown. But while celebrities think the head garment is stylish to wear around their necks, it is causing a furor within the Muslim community. The Muslims want celebs to stop desecrating their symbol - or face the consequences. One man who asked to remain anonymous told us
, “Men died fighting in a war for that. Arafat wore it. People took bullets in the back fighting for that! [Rappers] don’t know what the meaning of that is.. they’re ignorant! They go overseas and they go to Dubai then they come back and say, ‘look at the new trend I started’. It’s disrespectful!”
The Muslim man I spoke with thinks rappers need a little sensitivity training, “If I see them wearing the jalabia, I’ll make them take it off!,” he said. ***********************************************************************************\ HOUSE OF GLITZ: This is an interesting story..We wear camouflage but we all are not in the Military...!!..I could say they are being to sensitive but I understand them holding on to there culture we do it everyday...But I think wearing a scarf around your neck is truly a trend and they mean no disrespect...!!!


  1. This is very interesting..!!

  2. well i donno i agree wen u said dat they wear camouflage thang 2 i just think ppl r just real bored an need 2 find sumthang 2 do rather than sit round an c how they can mak the world worst than betta it

  3. Take the jalbia off and put on some decent hip hop jewelry!

  4. Man im gona get me one and i want to see if a muslim gona make me take it off , i thougth it was a freedom scarf so we should be free to wear it . These muslims need to stop hateing so much and get a clue the world does not belong to muslims we are a free pepole and freedom dosnt mean you can tell me what to wear if it looks good wear it .


House Sitters