
Friday, December 14, 2007

The Newest Mini-Tyra!...AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL IS....SALEISHA..!!!

Twelve weeks after viewers watched the wannabe models step onto that super-random cruise ship in hopes of becoming the next Jaslene Gonzales, former receptionist Saleisha Stowers was crowned America's Next Top Model on Wednesday night. After hearing about Tyra Banks' "fabulous prizes" during every panel, Saleisha finally claimed the $100,000 contract with Cover Girl cosmetics, the cover and a six-page spread in Seventeen magazine and a contract with Elite Model Management. True to perky form, the girl with the Suri Cruise haircut was beyond excited after nabbing the top spot.
"I'm so happy with myself right now," she said. "This is what I dreamed of. I fought for this so hard and I was so determined. I have it now and I'm not going to let it slip out
*********************************************************************************** HOUSE OF GLITZ; CHEERS TO HER I LOVE ANTM..AND SHE WAS THE CLEAR WINNER..!!


  1. I'm very happy for her..!!

  2. I'm so glad she won, Great girl!!! Awesome!!

  3. I love her..!! good she won

  4. I Think it is not fair she won, but she already has experience, and she know Tyra banks!!! And Chantal was better, i see her in Vogue, not Saleisha


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