
Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Super Producer The Dream, who rose to prominence when he penned the super hit “Umbrella” for Rihanna & Wrote J. Holiday's "BED" is divorcing his R&B singer wife Nivea they have a 2 year old together. Many skeptics in the industry believe this is a publicity stunt to boost the image, "I Think Not", since he has a Album coming out this week, of the mostly unknown producer. He also sings the new song "Shorty You A Ten". According to Nivea, who released a statement confirming the divorce, The Dream is the greatest man she’s ever met and she doubts he can be replaced:
I come from a sad and scary past that I am still in the process of overcoming and growing past, thanks to the man I love and always will. This is truly the only person I’ve ever known or heard of that is incredibly loving, passionate, wise, psychic, creative, genius, and many more things that I could never put into words. I don’t feel it is fair for neither of us, especially him, to continue this never-ending battle of the minds that he and i have continued for long enough.
Umm is this Mic on??..If he is all that who would let this go..?? Are you serious he is passionate, wise, creative genius who is paid..!! someones holding back..!!..I know most of us didn't even know they were married and now getting a divorce all in the same breath. For those of us who don't know who he is see below his brand new Video: FALSETTO..I Actually like this song..!! ********************************************************************************** HOUSE OF GLTIZ: LIFE IN THE SPOT LIGHT.. !!


  1. you are right didn't know they were together too bad..!!

  2. Very unfortunate that marriages don't last..!!


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