
Monday, November 26, 2007


Star Magazine claims Kelly Rowland is madly in love with R&B crooner Tank. The twenty-six year old former ‘Child of Destiny’ reportedly hooked up with Tank after the singer helped produce her second solo flop Ms. Kelly.
“He’s a strong man and a perfect gentleman. His bright smile and bashful eyes won Kelly over completely.”
But don’t expect any confirmation from Ms. Kelly anytime soon, the insider says:
“Kelly plans to take a page out of BFF Beyonce Knowles’ book and not talk about her romance.”
Read More (Click Now).
ANONYMOUS: How does Tank have time for real work if he is out here like I'm hearing. Dating Kelly? And dating a radio dj down south Alysse Stewart. In fact not only is he dating the dj. The two of them have a child on the way. One that they are both said to be very excited about. Neither one of them has denied this fact. Not that she could being the one carrying their baby.
If this is true then this just turned into a "Hot Mess".. THANKS FOR CLARITY!!
*********************************************************************************\ HOUSE OF GLITZ; OK IF THIS IS TRUE...ALL I CAN DO IS HIGH FIVE HER..!!


  1. They make a cute couple, if it is true.

  2. How does Tank have time for real work if he is out here like I'm hearing. Dating Kelly? And dating a radio dj down south Alysse Stewart. In fact not only is he dating the dj. The two of them have a child on the way. One that they are both said to be very excited about. Neither one of them has denied this fact. Not that she could being the one carrying their baby.



    ME KNOW?

  6. will check on the Robin Givens thing..if so Tanks, Tank is parked everywhere..!!

  7. No he is not dating crazy ass Robin Givens & he has 2 kids from his ex wife & one on the way from longtime girlfriend Zena Foster that was planned. If anyone knows them they would know that they are always together. As for the other woman claiming she is pregnant by him yeah right have you seen her. I would hope Tank wouldnt be that dumb. These two woman can't even compare.

  8. That's the thing with Tank, he has no self control he only wants what he wants. As for seeing the mother's to be of his children apparently he likes what he likes. And no man is with one woman all the time. Was Zena with him while he was sexing Robin Givens on the road (men, money and golddiggers - they were screwing. he even said on the radio that he loved her. so much for knowing someone is together all the time.
    Zena must be dumb as a stump to think Tank is her man he always say's he is single and he is just that.
    planned pregnancy his baby with the DJ was planned too. He asked her to have his child. A child that he has not denied nor will he.

  9. It is amazing how some women attack other women. In this case you probably don't know any of the people you are talking about. Why not focus on Tank. No one could claim they were pregnant by him if he weren't making himself present in the same bed with them.

    I have not heard either of these women claim to have a baby with him nor have I read either one of them saying they were pregnant with Tank's child. One thing we all know for sure is that Tank has not stepped to the fore front and said one way or the other that he does or doesn't have a baby on the way.

    How about that. It's stated that he has a long time girlfriend, why doesn't he at least claim her supposed child. Just doing the math here.

    And why Robin Givens got to be crazy. She was dating the man. He admitted that. So there is no need for your panties to be crawling all up your crack when you don't know what the hell you are talking about, when it comes to Tank and said mother's to be or any other celebrity and their life.

    Is Kelly Rowland crazy too? Now how about talking about Tank's nasty azz? Clearly he is what did the host say? Parking it all over.

  10. I can appreciate your comment..I report the news as it comes..I don't have to know them but I get news from those who do. Please always feel free to throw in your 2 cents..Its always welcome...!!

  11. House of G ... don't think that last comment was meant for you. It applies to the one above it.

  12. anyone with half a the sense they were born with and ears. has heard tank say, Zena was the worst relationship he ever participated in. so much for always being together. and if they are always together, was zena and her supporters in the closet under beds back seats of of his ride while he was dating other people and continues to do so. zena knows the deal. and for the record why is tank having her to take a paternity test if the child was planned with him and not some other dude?

  13. My memory serves me correct when I reflect Z always taking a backseat when it came to men....snatched from right up under her nose. The so-called love of her life and so-called best friend...tricks on you kid!! Ha....and to think she feels "INCREDIBLE"...if this is as good as it gets....DAMN!!!!

  14. Tank does not want to be with Zena, and in fact hates that he was even ONE of the candidates as her child's father. She get around a lot, has no brains, and hopes a child will make him want to be with her again. ABSOLUTELY NOT! And yes he wanted a paternity because he simply doesn't trust her. He is focused on his work and living his life. He is a good man who will take responsibility for his actions even if they are stupid. He is and has been seeing a woman who he is in love with and has everything Zena lacks. And Kelly and Tank were never a couple nor were they even dating. Don't believe rumors.

  15. All these anonymous's ... Anyway, if what 1 of the anonymous's are saying is true ... then why was Tank @ Zena's baby shower w/ all his boys in tow? Luke & Q, Steve Russell (who is Tanks best friend)and etc. Ive seen the pics from the baby shower.

    I agree that Zena having a baby by Tank would b a come up as she is only a video chick. For alysse, at least she has a "real" career ... not one that will fade away cuz you're getting too old.

    I find it quite funny about some of the stuff that was said, cuz it could very well b true. I know Zena had the baby on the 28th or 29th of Dec and her name is Zoey ... and he was out partying w/ another female @ on NYE ... they went to the club and to church leaving her all alone 2 deal with the new baby. Seems like he woulda been there helping her, if he really cared about her like some of the previous anonymous's mentioned. I also know that he DID say that Zena was his WORST relationship ever! Heard that w/ my own two ears, it was on a radio interview he did in St. Louis, back n April, now mind you, he only used her initials, but if anybody keeps up w/ tank, they know who ZF is. Bottom line, sounds like Tank has been a busy busy boy and if zena's and alysse's new baby is his, i hope a vasectomy is in his future soon. It would suck in the worst kind of way, that he's finally coming up but about to pay it all out in child support. 3 girls and 1 boy ... 4 kids ... WOW!

  16. And the "incredible" thats listed on her myspace pg has 2 do w/ beating a certain someone @ a game of checkers. do ya research b4 u decide to post a comment about the situation.

    Can send pics of Tank @ Zena's baby shower. So, why would he be there if the kid wasnt his?? Surely he didnt go just 2 b a nice dude and show up if the kid wasnt his. Some people's stuff that they've posted on here doesnt make much sense.

  17. You need to get your gossip straight. Tank was at the hospital when Zoe came into the world. He is a great father to his other children so give him a chance on this one. I'm not saying he's a saint but who is.

  18. WOW, Tank is a sad example of a man. I'd like to know just what the hell he is thinking. Children are a blessing and it seems he doesn't get that. I don't know what this man is up to but "giving him a chance seems to be a waste of time." I didn't read anything about him not going to hospital. What I read was Zena had his baby and a couple days later he was out with another woman on New Years Eve. So much for a chance for this sorry excuse of a man.

    I'm tired of men like him being uplifted and praised for acting like a lower form of animal. I've heard him say he wants all these children in at least two interviews. I had no idea he meant this.

    Mean while he keeps screaming how single he happens to be. What an ass hole.

    I feel sorry for the women that have had his children. 3 girls and boy. I can only imagine the values he will teach his son. "Use your lower head instead of the one on your shoulders."

    I refuse to attack zena, alysse or his baby mother. seems to me Tank is a damn fool running game.

    Please Don't Go ... Girl you better run in the other direction (the remix)

  19. He told a friend of mine after his 2nd daughter was born (Ryen) that he wanted 2 have 10 kids ... guess he is WELL on his way!

    I can only imagine that his parents are on their knees praying for Tank EVERY night, cuz this is some wild ish.

  20. Sorry, baby Zoey was born on Dec 26th.

  21. Lot do the math on dec 6,2006 tank report his romance with Robin Given.they breakup shortly before the release of Sex,Love & Pain.i'am not saying ZF did not get pregnant by Tank.but it sounds like she was Tank jump off after breaking up with Robin to me.ZF had the baby in December.which mean she got pregnant in early part of April. he was still seeing Robin a interview he did in Sept 07 he said he is single.just becuz ZF was pregnant by him didn't mean they are still together. he can take care of the baby without bring with the childs mother.

  22. Is anyone wondering if Tank thinks he is immune to HIV? He is stupid fo show.

  23. Yes, I was thinking the same thing but for all parties involved. If any of this is true, this is only a larger reelection of how are society handles relationships and can give insight into how diseases get transmitted into our communities…being honest in a relationship does not make one’s actions justifiable or best.


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