
Wednesday, November 7, 2007


(CREFLO DOLLAR) Before you read on they talk about 6 televangelist that are being investigated but all reports and news media only point out the two African-American pastors who have mega churches in Atlanta?? I mention those two because I live in Atlanta but CNN and other world media I question there motive? This all boils down to how much they make and how they spend there money, your money our money??I find that interesting...I try to stay away from religion on this sight but I found this to be worth reading...!! ********************************************************************************** Acting on tips about preachers who ride in Rolls Royces and have purportedly paid $30,000 for a conference table, Private jets, lavish homes and expensive vacations, the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee said Tuesday he's investigating the finances of six well-known TV ministers. Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa said those under scrutiny include faith healer Benny Hinn, Georgia mega church pastor Creflo Dollar and one of the nation's best known female preachers, Joyce Meyer. Grassley sent letters to the half-dozen Christian media ministries earlier this week requesting answers by Dec. 6 about their expenses, executive compensation and amenities, including use of fancy cars and private jets. In a statement,
Grassley said he was acting on complaints from the public and news coverage of the organizations. "The allegations involve governing boards that aren't independent and allow generous salaries and housing allowances and amenities such as private jets and Rolls Royces," Grassley said. "I don't want to conclude that there's a problem, but I have an obligation to donors and the taxpayers to find out more. People who donated should have their money spent as intended and in adherence with the tax code."
(EDDIE LONG) Those ministries that responded Tuesday either said they were cooperating or committed to financial transparency and following the law. The investigation promises to shine new light on the kind of TV ministries that were crippled by sex and money scandals in the 1980s. Experts also say it stands out as an unusual case of the government probing the inner workings of religious organizations. Most of those under investigation preach a variation of the "prosperity gospel," the teaching that God will shower faithful followers with material riches. Read More (CLICK NOW) To be continued.. *********************************************************************************** HOUSE OF GLITZ: NO COMMENT..."SLIENCE IS GOLDEN"..!!


  1. This is interesting but I will wait to see how this one plays out..!!

  2. hmmmmmmmmm!!!

  3. This has been going on for years..!! but now it's time to pay the piper

  4. People who worry about money!Love there money!No matter if the preacher collects all the money he cans an runs off with. I beleive God will do whats he says he will do! And that can be found in Malachi:3chapter,verses 8-18.Praise God not Man!We are fallible.

  5. This is an example of having heaven here on earth. This is why I don't give to the Church. But rather to those that I see in need and know that are in need. These people are in it to win it for themselves. And the sad thing about it is that they think that God is pleased with them and that they are being blessed. These people are deceitful and no good and are sorry excuses of leaders and human beings. And you all will pay come judgment day. And that no good Creflo Dollar. They don't call him Dollar for nothing he will pay for every dollar he has taken out of the homes,bank accounts,trust funds etc of others. What goes around comes around. Trust and believe that. All of you should be ashamed of the scum that you are. You all will get yours. Now deposit that into yall's bank accounts and wait on a withdrawal.


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