
Wednesday, November 14, 2007


LET'S TALK ABOUT THIS DOCTOR: HE HAD ISSUES..!! She was warned by another doctor but she ignored the warnings and went to him for her Tummy Tuck and Breast reduction, he shouldn't have performed the surgery he knew about this...!! Rumour has it this man wasn't Board Certified... Dr. Jan Adams, the plastic surgeon who on Kanye West's mother Donda before her death last weekend.
"I want to first express my deepest condolences to the West family at a very difficult time. As a medical doctor practicing in this field, I hold sacred the bond of confidentiality that exists between the patient and doctor. Out of respect of the West family, and the absence of verifiable information, any comment without having first discussing that information with the family would be unprofessional."
The Medical Board of California filed legal papers last April asking to revoke or suspend Dr. Jan Adams' medical license because he was convicted of multiple DUIs, one in 2006, another in 2003. HOUSE has also turned up a 1994 DUI conviction. In the accusation, the Executive Director of the Medical Board states Adams "has used alcohol to the extent or in such a manner as to be dangerous or injurious to himself and others..." This is a huge to be continued I'm sure several law suits await...what a very sad, sad situation This guy has several lawsuits pending. READ MORE (CLICK NOW) ********************************************************************************* HOUSE OF GLITZ: I WONDER DID THEY CHECK HIS BACKGROUND ON THIS GUY??, BECAUSE HE HAS A RAP SHEET...!!!... THE PRESSURES OF HOLLYWOOD EFFECTS ALL AGES AS WE CAN SEE...!!! I WILL UPDATE AS MORE INFO COMES IN..SO SAD..!! <



  2. 1. I am wondering why everyone is blaming the surgeon here. I read that the autopsy did not find a cause of death, and she did not appear to have any post-op complications. Do any of you have any other medical details that we have not heard?
    2. I could never, ever defend a doctor with DUIs. That is completely disgusting to me as a physician myself. No contest there.
    3. But remember, have two lawsuits settled against you doesn't mean anything. I have never been sued (knock on wood) but I know many wonderful, caring, fantastic physicians who have. Plastic surgeons often get sued for many reasons. Insurance companies are also figuring out that it is often cheaper to just pay and make the suit go away rather than wage an expensive war in court -- even if the doctor will probably win (they usually do.) So having money paid out in his name does not mean that he did anything wrong necessarily.
    4. So, in summary, it is digusting that he had not one, but two, DUIs, and I wouldn't object to anyone taking away his license for that. But I haven't heard anything that proves that he had anything to do with this poor woman's death, and having been sued is no proof that he was a bad doctor. Take that for whatever it is worth.


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