
Monday, October 1, 2007


Oh yeah House knows exactly why Britney lost custody -- she ignored the Commissioner at every turn. Classic case of a Celeb feeling invincible didn't she learn anything from Paris well he we go....Rewind to last month. L.A. County Commissioner Scott Gordon ordered Spears to do a number of things in order to maintain 50/50 custody.
Spears was ordered to meet with a drug counselor -- she didn't do it. Spears was ordered to submit to drug testing -- she didn't do it. Spears was ordered to enroll in parenting classes -- didn't do it. Spears was also required to sign the judge's order -- again, she didn't. And last Friday, Commissioner Gordon prohibited both Spears and K-Fed from driving the children unless they had a valid California driver's license. Gordon was pissed today when TMZ posted video of Spears cavalierly driving her kids around Malibu.
(LOOK AT BRIT HAIR WHO LET'S HER WALK AROUND LIKE THIS.. PIC TAKING LAST WEEK) In short, Spears did everything wrong ... by doing nothing he asked (CLICK TO VIEW COURT ORDER). ********************************************************************************** HOUSE OF GLITZ: I FEEL A LITTLE SORRY LOSING A KID CAN'T BE EASY...BUT LOSING YOUR MIND HAS TO BE PRICELESS SHE REALL BETTER GET IT TOGETHER WE REALLY HAVE TO PRAY FOR BRIT...!!

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