
Thursday, September 6, 2007


OH YEAH, YOU HEARD ME RIGHT..In a case that has been a saga of delays and false starts, R. Kelly's trial was postponed yet again on Tuesday, with no trial date in sight more than five years after child pornography charges were filed against the R&B singer. The lead prosecutor in the case, Assistant State's Atty. Shauna Boliker, gave birth last week, prompting the judge presiding over the case to indefinitely postpone the trial less than two weeks before its scheduled start on Sept. 17. A spokesman for Cook County Circuit Judge Vincent Gaughan cited doctor's orders in announcing the decision, a move that has added a familiar air of uncertainty to the case. (read on) ********************************************************************************** HOUSE OF GLITZ: WOW..IT'S AMAZING DEPENDING ON WHAT PART OF THE COUNTRY YOU ARE FROM IS WHAT MATTERS THIS IS RIDICULOUS ...BUT THEY MADE SURE THEY GOT VICK IN LESS THEN 30 DAYS OF HIS ALLEGATIONS BUT YET IT'S BEEN 5 YEARS FOR THIS GUY..COME ON OUR JUSTICE SYSTEM SUCKS.. ONE PERSON RAPES KIDS THE OTHER PERSON KILLS DOGS JUST SICK.. WORKS FOR SOME BUT FAILS FOR MOST!!!..(I'M JUST SAYIN)

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