
Friday, September 7, 2007


Since this has begin I have been fascinated with finding the details ,and this what I have stumbled across so far. Initial papers were filed in July The divorce petition states Shaq wants Shaunine and the Kids out of the house. Still unclear if the rumour is true of her having an affair with her Cuban personal trainer who is 28. He wants all assets disclosed because remember she is accused of hiding assets, properties with in upward amount of possibly 10 million dollars. Play close attention big typo they put Shaq as the the wife and Shaunie as the husband maybe because he's acting like "A LITTLE BITCH RIGHT NOW"...JUST KIDDING!! (READ DIVORCE PAPERS) ************************************************************************************** HOUSE OF GLITZ; LET ME JUT PUT THIS OUT HERE FOR HER TO STEAL OOPS I MEAN (ALLEGEDLY) ..SOMETHING ELSE IS GOING ON SHE SAW SOMETHING COMING AND SHE WAS JUST TRYING TO MAKE SURE SHE WAS PROTECTED NOT SAYING SHE WAS RIGHT...I PERSONALLY WOULD HAVE JUST HELD MY POSITION...!!! (TO BE CONTINUED)


  1. wow this is crazy!!

  2. I was sorry to learn that Shaq and his wife were getting a divorce. The "rumor" about his wife having an affair with the Cuban trainer is nothing short of absolutely ridiculous! With all THAT man (Shaq), what woman in her right mind would want to cheat? If she were not getting what she needed or wanted from her husband, she and any other woman should just ask. This "long time" girlfriend should have known Shaq well enough to know very well who he is as a person BEFORE they got married! A marriage should not be based upon "do we love one another?" The question is "do I LIKE this person enough to live with them for the rest of my life."

    The question I have had about prenupts is that they prepare the marriage for failure. I love you NOW, but just in case I stop, you stop or we just find other people that we like better, this is this dollar represents what I think your time is worth (plus a tip)! Dah!

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