
Friday, August 31, 2007


OK perhaps this is what slutty little Brit was thinking,I'm gonna pop into this here store and buy me some pants. naa look, I can see my ass in the door glass not bad for an unfit mother of 2??! The paperozzi have caught me again hope they get my backside since I made it so easy. BEING A SLUT AND A DISGRACE IS COOL?? This hilarious illustration from P.O.T.O. shows Britney's butt-baring outfit from Tuesday's escapade in Beverly Hills. Artist David Gilmore immortalizes the popwreck's bass-ackwards gallivanting with a dead-on take on her latest look. You know, I'm sure you are all dying to hear her new music here is her first track "GIMMIE MORE" ********************************************************************************** HOUSE OF GLITZ: ABSOLUTE STATE OF EMERGENCY PRAY FOR THIS FOOL...!!




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