
Tuesday, June 5, 2007


I can't believe this! A kid from the audience threw something at Akon while, he was speaking on stage. AKON being the irgorant person he is instead of walking away since he has been in recent trouble he tells his security to get the KID in a cursing rant and throws hiim into the Audience were he lands he doesn't seem to care but notice security is helping him up...I'm sure that kid is like thanks AKON you just made me rich because I'm suing your DUMB ASS!!!!!.. ********************************************************************** HOUSE OF GLITZ: WE ARE IN THE AGE OF TECHNOLGY HE SHOULD HAVE PULLED A SOPRANO.... INVITED THE KID BACKSTAGE AND HANDLE IT THAT WAY. NOT INFRONT OF EVERY DIGITAL CAMERA, CAMERA PHONE E.T.C. CAN CAPTURE HIS CRIME....(NOT THAT I ADVOCATE CRIME I'M JUST SAYING "LOL"....)

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