
Wednesday, April 4, 2007

WILL SMITH IS HOLLYWOOD’S NEW POWER PLAYER: Newsweek’s annual list ranks actor as No. 1 box office draw.

Down to Will Smith as the actor who brings in the most money, according to an annual ranking by Newsweek. With a worldwide career box office of $4.4 billion, Smith now has the unofficial title of Most Powerful Actor in Hollywood, followed by Johnny Depp at No. 2 and Ben Stiller in third place. Newsweek determines its annual power rankings through interviews with studio heads, agents and producers. Smith, 38, was a unanimous No. 1 choice. The rapper-turned-actor, as Newsweek points out, is “bankable in every genre,” whether sci-fi ("I, Robot"), action-comedy ("Men in Black"), romantic comedy ("Hitch") or drama ("The Pursuit of Happyness"). "He can do anything," says one top studio exec. "The audience has enormous affection for him—we're talking a Tom Hanksian level of likability." Just as in music, Smith’s feature films have consistently connected with crossover audiences. "He's the black Jimmy Stewart," says an industry insider. "He invites the white community in, yet he's credible with the black community. That's a pretty hard trick." Tom Cruise fell to No. 5 on Newsweek’s annual power list, preceded by Brad Pitt at No. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HOUSE OF GLTIZ: NOW THAT'S A GOOD LOOK!!

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME!!! Jada the most Blessed woman in the world!!! WOW!!!


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