
Friday, April 27, 2007


This time, she wants to prove to the public that she pays her bills, bills, bills. On Wednesday, NY Daily News reported that Tyra and Russell Simmons skipped on their bill at the W. 57th St. Brooklyn Diner on Saturday. A spy said Simmons, who was with his two kids, had grilled cheese sandwiches while Banks had conch fritters. Yet none of them had the $100+ check, which was left unpaid. They even tried to play it off standing by the door and talking to other guests. Smooth… Then yesterday when asked about it during an appearance on on ‘The View’, Tyra explained that she offered to pay, but Russell waved her off. Of course, Tyra had to prove this to the public by stopping by the Diner after her “View” taping and paying the bill with an extra $100 tip. Another smooth move (and an extra point for flashing cash to the camera).

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