
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Russell Simmons and Lyor Cohen will be holding A Invitation only Meeting to discuss the status of Hip Hop...

a ‘closed door’ meeting with artists and executives from the Hip-Hop/urban community for a discussion on the future of Hip-Hop. This invitation only meeting takes place on Wednesday (Apr.18) at Lyor Cohen's Manhattan residence. The meeting comes shortly after the ousting of talk show host Don Imus and the heightened criticism of Hip-Hop’s representation of women. Imus was fired after making sexist and racist remarks about the Rutgers University basketball team. A number of activists are now shifting their focus to Hip-Hop, including Reverend Al Sharpton, who has received a number of death threats over the past few days due to his involvement in the Imus controversy. On Friday (Apr. 13), Sharpton announced that he would turn his attention to the music industry, specifically Hip-Hop music. Sharpton said his National Action Network wants to also meet with performers in the industry about lyrics that he claims are racist and demeaning to women. _____________________________________________________________________________ HOUSE OF GLITZ: SHOULD BE INTERESTING BUT IF THERE IS NOT A REP FROM A WOMENS POINT OF VIEW TO SPEAK THEN I'M NOT SO SURE MUCH WILL GET DONE!!!....

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