
Sunday, April 22, 2007

Chris Rock's Alleged Baby Mama a Fraud

Chris Rock is under fire from a woman who claims he's her 13-year-old baby's daddy, but cops say the woman behind the allegations has been full of s**t for years. House has learned through TMZ has learned that 36-year-old Kali Bowyer, who Rock never denied having a fling with several years before he met wife Malaak, has an extensive criminal past riddled with numerous bizarre police encounters, and a penchant for telling wild stories. According to a thick stack of government documents obtained by TMZ, Bowyer was convicted of DUI in Georgia, charged with theft by deception last summer, and is facing charges of running an elaborate cell phone scam. And it doesn't end there! In the last two years, more than ten incident reports detail some truly strange encounters with police, including one in which cops say she claimed to have been held at gunpoint and forced to "ingest some white powder," a tale which her own son contradicted under questioning. Bad checks, domestic disturbances, and several veracity-questionable incidents left police scratching their heads. Bowyer first popped up ten years ago when the boy in question was 3-years-old, claiming that Rock was the dad, but then, we're told, she disappeared after Rock agreed to a DNA test. Though she claims that the comedian's the dad, Bowyer oddly didn't list Rock on the birth certificate. Yesterday, Rock indicated that he would still take a DNA test to determine paternity, even offering to help support the child if he is, in fact, the dad.


  1. Oh give me a break!! I have known her for a long time, she has never ran “an elaborate cell phone scam”, gee wonder who said that? Let me think…hmmm maybe the cop who called her son a n****r ? most likely. She got someone a cell phone because there credit was too sh**y to do it themselves, and they never paid the bill (oops guess they left that part out, huh) “extensive criminal past” , my ass…let’s see if you are Paris, or Lindsay, or even Mel it is okay to get a DUI, huh but not if you are a average person? What stories, gee the fact that people might have a life off their tractors? I say to her who gives a poop what these people think . But if someone is going to print things about you maybe they should get the truth on situations or at least all sides (thought that was real reporting). Her checks she paid off when she was notified (guess you left that part out also). Domestic disturbance, uh the boyfriend she had beat the s**t out of her and she pressed charges (guess they forgot that). She never disappeared, if he had stepped up to the plate yrs ago they would not have been doing it now! Get real people! People who know her, know she is a wonderful person. No one looks good in a mug shot, nice choice (guess the other ones that are out there actually make her look to pretty to post, huh?)

  2. Oh give me a break!! I have known her for a long time, she has never ran “an elaborate cell phone scam”, gee wonder who said that? Let me think…hmmm maybe the cop who called her son a n****r ? most likely. She got someone a cell phone because there credit was too sh**y to do it themselves, and they never paid the bill (oops guess they left that part out, huh) “extensive criminal past” , my ass…let’s see if you are Paris, or Lindsay, or even Mel it is okay to get a DUI, huh but not if you are a average person? What stories, gee the fact that people might have a life off their tractors? I say to her who gives a poop what these people think . But if someone is going to print things about you maybe they should get the truth on situations or at least all sides (thought that was real reporting). Her checks she paid off when she was notified (guess you left that part out also). Domestic disturbance, uh the boyfriend she had beat the s**t out of her and she pressed charges (guess they forgot that). She never disappeared, if he had stepped up to the plate yrs ago they would not have been doing it now! Get real people! People who know her, know she is a wonderful person. No one looks good in a mug shot, nice choice (guess the other ones that are out there actually make her look to pretty to post, huh?)


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