
Thursday, April 19, 2007

Chris Rock Asks Court to Determine Boy's Paternit

Chris Rock asked a court to determine if he's the father of a 13-year-old boy, according to papers filed in a paternity dispute with a Georgia woman. If he's proven to be the father, Rock wants to "contribute to the support, maintenance, and education" of the boy, say the papers filed Monday in Statesboro, Ga. Kali Bowyer had first tried to file a paternity action against Rock last month, but withdrew it because Rock, a New Jersey resident, lives outside the southeastern Georgia court's jurisdiction, the Associated Press reports. Rock's filing now starts the proceedings. Bowyer's lawyer, Brett Kimmel, says Bowyer is "looking forward to establishing that Mr. Rock is the father of their son and bringing the case to a swift conclusion," according to the AP. The attorney declined to describe the nature of his client's relationship with Rock or say why she waited 13 years to seek a paternity claim. Rock, 42, is married with two young children. He and wife Malaak have brushed off rumors their marriage is in trouble. His rep wasn't available for comment.

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